Secure Electronic Messaging Facility Between Bureau of Customs (BOC) and Accredited Agent Banks (AABs).

Bureau of Customs/Bankers Association of the Philippines (BOC/BAP) PAYMENT APPLICATION SECURE (PAS6) SYSTEM
The Authorized Agent Bank (AABs) represented by the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP) accepted the obligation of collecting customs duties and taxes and the responsibility to remit accurately and timely to the Government Treasury all such collections. Thus, the BAP entered into an Agreement with the Bureau of Customs (BOC) to adopt and implement Payment Application Secure (PAS6) , a system that provides adequate security safeguards to the collection of revenues, ensure the propriety of official documents and put in place a system which will guarantee that access to information on such transactions shall be limited only to the duly authorized representatives of the BAP and BOC.
Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) was appointed as the exclusive service provider for the encryption and transmission of the abstracts of collection reports from the AABs to the BOC. Implemented in October 1996, PCHC provided a secure electronic messaging facility between the BOC and the AABs for the collection and confirmation of duties and taxes paid by the importers.